Sunday, August 05, 2007


Devido o pedido de Fast-track para o OOXML, a ABNT precisa levar para a ISO o voto NÃO, com justificativa técnica. Isto porque o OpenXML é hoje um DIS (draft International Standard) na ISO.
Está na fase "enquiry stage". Para que o OXML não se torne um FDIS (Final Draft International Standard),o voto deve ser NÃO, com justificativa técnica. Um voto SIM, mesmo com comentário técnico, pode levar um DIS para FDIS.

É preciso fazer o mesmo que o Consórcio W3C fez quando o monopólio mundial de software para desktop apresentou a proposta de um padrão proprietário e de péssima qualidade, ou seja, a proposição foi tecnicamente reprovada e descartada.

Segue abaixo, a parte de documento ISO que esclarece isto.

ISO/IEC Directives - Part 1: Procedures, 2004

No anexo F do documento explica Fast-track, e cita que condições de aprovação (item 2.6) permanecem as mesmas. Veja:

2.6 Enquiry stage
2.6.1 At the enquiry stage, the enquiry draft (DIS in ISO, CDV in IEC) shall be circulated by the office of the CEO within 4 weeks to all national bodies for a 5 months vote. For policy on the use of languages, see Annex E.

National bodies shall be advised of the date by which completed ballots are to be received by the office of the CEO.

At the end of the voting period, the Chief Executive Officer shall send within 4 weeks to the chairman and secretariat of the technical committee or subcommittee the results of the voting together with any comments received, for further speedy action.

2.6.2 Votes submitted by national bodies shall be explicit: positive, negative, or abstention.
A positive vote may be accompanied by editorial or technical comments, on the understanding that the secretary, in consultation with the chairman of the technical committee or subcommittee and project leader, will decide how to deal with them.

If a national body finds an enquiry draft unacceptable, it shall vote negatively and state the technical reasons. It may indicate that the acceptance of specified technical modifications will change its negative vote to one of approval, but it shall not cast an affirmative vote which is conditional on the acceptance of modifications.

2.6.3 An enquiry draft is approved if
a) a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by the P-members of the technical committee or subcommittee are in favour, and

b) not more than one-quarter of the total number of votes cast are negative.

Abstentions are excluded when the votes are counted, as well as negative votes not accompanied by technical reasons.

Comments received after the normal voting period are submitted to the technical committee or subcommittee secretariat for consideration at the time of the next review of the International

2.6.4 On receipt of the results of the voting and any comments, the chairman of the technical committee or subcommittee, in cooperation with its secretariat and the project leader, and in consultation with the office of the CEO, shall take one of the following courses of action:
a) when the approval criteria of 2.6.3 are met, to register the enquiry draft, as modified, as a
final draft International Standard, or

b) in the case of an enquiry draft where no negative votes have been received, to proceed directly to publication, or

c) when the approval criteria of 2.6.3 are not met;

1) to circulate a revised enquiry draft for voting (see 2.6.1), or

NOTE Within ISO, a revised enquiry draft will be circulated for a voting period of 2 months, which may be extended up to 5 months at the request of one or more P-members of the committee concerned.

2) to circulate a revised committee draft for comments, or

3) to discuss the enquiry draft and comments at the next meeting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

o que podemos fazer para fortalecer o voto NÃO além de debater e divulgar o assunto?