Já é possível utilizarmos um aparelho celular que se comunique com os demais sem a necessidade de um intermediário, ou seja, uma empresa operadora. Isto é possível usando a lógica do P2P. Todo telefone celular passaria ser um aparelho que além de transmitir e receber chamadas também poderia retransmitir o sinal de outros aparelhos. Cada celular serviria como uma estação de retransmissão, assim não precisaríamos mais das antenas das operadoras.
As consequências positivas da tecnologia P2P nos celulares são gigantescas. As pessoas com renda muito baixa poderão usar a comunicação digital para melhorar suas condições de vida, lazer e trabalho. Elas terão efetivamente garantido o seu direito à comunicação. Além disso, com a integração dos celulares com a Internet é possível aumentar o acesso à rede e aos portais disponíveis para aparelhos móveis.
Uma empresa sueca, fundada em 2004, chamada TerraNet, já está testando os celulares P2P. As vantagens das tecnologias descentralizadas e abertas são gigantescas. O Grupo de Pesquisa de Tecnologia e Cultura de Rede da Cásper Líbero está estudando as aplicações do P2P e das demais práticas colaborativas e, em breve, lançará um mapa do uso das tecnologias da comunicação compartilhada.
A seguir leia um trecho do FAQ (em inglês) do celular P2P redigido pela TerraNet (http://www.terranet.se/):
How can a peer-to-peer network function if there is a limited number of users?
The TerraNet solution incorporates three types of components: TerraNet Handset(s), TerraNet HelperNode(s) and TerraNet Gateway(s). A Gateway is a helper node which allows an external connection to the outside world. HelperNodes extend coverage of the network and forward calls to neighbouring nodes if the number of end-users is not (yet) satisfactory.
Is the TerraNet system completely peer-to-peer VoIP or can it also connect to a normal cell phone?
The technology allows the data flow to choose freely between three routes:
1. Directly to another TerraNet handset, which is either used as a voice telephone
or used as a modem (i.e. connected to a computer via USB-cord or Bluetooth)
2. Indirectly to another TerraNet handset through other handsets, or HelperNodes.
3. Indirectly to any another network through a gateway.
Could a Mobile WiMax handset make calls using the TerraNet technology?
Yes. The hardware in TerraNet handsets is very similar to the technology to support other radio transmissions, be it WiMax, HSDPA, UTMS, GSM, GPRS, or any other. We fully believe that for example mobile phones being built very soon will support the TerraNet technology, as a complement to 3G, GSM or Mobile WiMax, thus allowing free peer-to-peer phone calls between them, for end users. It did not take long for all handset manufacturers to include products with Bluetooth support in their portfolios once the handset end users asked for it. The TerraNet technology will be a strong selling point for manufacturers who support it, and a strong disadvantage to those who do not.
What are the risks of congestion?
Congestion, or traffic overload, can happen in any mobile phone network where the use of the network is excessive, or where the network is not scaled to fit the amount of users. There is of course a limitation as regards the data flow in each TerraNet handset. The TerraNet technology strives to distribute the traffic over the full network to minimizing the risk of congestion, by e.g. using TerraNet HelperNodes to offload the handsets’ load of forwarding.
What about radio signal deterioration in urban areas – and how about data loss in multi-hopping?
There is a deterioration of the data signal, which is caused by a loss probability each time the data is sent over the air by a node (handset or HelperNode). In order for this not to affect the end service, the traffic is protected by error correcting codes and routing algorithms are optimized to choose the best route. Furthermore, in very harsh transmission environments HelperNodes may be used to minimize the number of hops.
Is it possible to purchase evaluation units?
We do not sell TerraNet products outside a formally established business case. Due to the vast number of requests for evaluation units, TerraNet has made the corporate decision to only offer evaluation units with formally qualified business partners. This scenario is regrettable, but it is the only one available to us at this time, and we apologize. Please contact us if you wish to discuss a firm business opportunity with the TerraNet management (contact details are listed in the Contact tab to the right).
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